The golf industry, just like every other industry, has suffered greatly due to the economic problems during the pandemic. Due to this impact, even a large public golf course can struggle to stay afloat.
The economic recession has made many golf course managers innovative when handling expenses. Still, the need to cut down expenses can not be overemphasized.
Sadly, the cutbacks were observed by golfers at a lot of facilities. So, to prevent golfers’ flight, golf course managers must understand the difference between compromising essential agronomic programs and eliminating needless amenities is important.
Strategies Put in Place to Cut Cost
Cutting costs is one of the ways most businesses have been able to survive the recession. Recently, golf superintendents have come up with strategies to help reduce golf course maintenance costs, some of which are listed below.
Reducing Labor
Downsizing on staff strength is a common way of cutting down costs. This strategy is effective because about 50 to 60 percent of a normal golf course maintenance budget is taken up by labor. This will help reduce cost. However, it comes with its negative effects.
Maintaining a golf course is quite demanding. So cutting down labor means more work will be assigned to those kept on. Also, the golf course labor market is quite competitive, making retaining reliable maintenance staff a major problem.
Fertilizer and Plant Protectants
Analyzing the use and cost of fertilizer used can open up space to save more. Cutting down on the use of fertilizers for certain areas will help save costs. Also, patronizing cheaper alternatives will help with cutting costs.
Capital Expenditures
Suspending or reducing capital expenditures is one of the effective approaches to saving money on a golf course. Although it is not a sustainable approach, it is still quite effective in the short run.
Other golf facilities and processes that can be cut down for cost control include Fairways, Bunkers, Roughs, and course Accessories. A realistic reduction in maintaining these facilities will help reduce maintenance costs and provide extra resources to run the golf course effectively.
Removing Course Accessories
Although course accessories are designed to serve as decoration and add convenience, buying, installing, and maintaining cost a lot of money and labor, golf courses are now removing some of their course accessories to allow their staff to focus on important things like improving playing conditions at the course.
The economic pressure that comes with golf course maintenance has made golf superintendents innovative. It has led to the evaluation of programs that are available and see which they can do without. Eliminating programs that are not needed and cutting costs have helped them adjust to the industry’s changing demographics and economic conditions.
Most golf course owners have realized the need to re-evaluate maintenance practices, course amenities, and presentation options.
To learn more about golf course economics and maintenance, make sure to visit: .
TimberStone Golf Course
22500 Aura Vista Way
Caldwell Idaho 83607
(208) 639-6900
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